'Intuitive writing' or 'channeling' is a way of writing and drawing that just seems to 'drop' information into your head. As I see it, this information comes from my unconscious and a higher knowledge. By opening myself up, just like I do when I am drawing, I find that sometimes suppressed thoughts and feelings come to the surface. It is as if my mind starts to reorganize and balance the energy in my brain. My 'inner observer' observes these feelings and thoughts that float by. Sometimes even a tear is shed. Gradually however, my mind gets more and more empty and spacious. That's the moment it feels like I am connecting to a higher consciousness (or my soul) that reveals information and insights I would not have had in my 'normal' state of mind.
So when I need an answer to a question I have, I write that question down on a piece of paper as if I am talking to someone invisible. Usually the answer pops into my head before I have even completed the sentence. I also receive answers in different languages during this process, usually Dutch and English. Sometimes in words that I don't really understand and I need to look up in the dictionary.
The answers I get are always connected to a 'higher good' and when for example I am having an argument with someone, or I am making the wrong decisions, this is what I am being 'told' too. As you can imagine, I am not always happy with those answers, since the truth can be painful. Sometimes I don't understand the outcome and I leave it aside for a while.
Over the years, intuitive writing has given me answers to questions about my live, explanations regarding political and social events and It has even helped me to find medical solutions in some situations.
In the video below I was preparing to do some intuitive writing. Instead of writing I started to draw what I felt was happening in my mind at that moment. What you see is the widening of the energy field in my head (as if a tight band around my head gets loosened) and then from the top of my head it feels like a string is connecting to something higher.
Eventhough this all may sounds rather vague to you, I recommend you to give it a try. I know many people who use writing to get connected to their intuitive knowing and they all seem to have their own way of doing things and remarkable results. They tell me that intuitive writing has a beneficial and stress releasing effect that makes them feel connected to the universe, their own soul and their own heart.