Zendrawing, painting and writing

Even though I was already quite talented in realistic drawing, discovering the Zen drawing technique was a real game changer for me. It instantly felt like an easier and more relaxed way of drawing than the way of drawing I had been using all my life. It  became the easiest way to draw, meditate and open my heart at the same time. It is now the basis for all drawings and watercolor artwork and it also brought me intuitive writing to connect to my intuitive knowledge.

Zen drawing also made me more connected to the outer world and to my inner world, which led to the discovery that my inner and outer world are much more connected than I ever could have imagined. Zen drawing -especially the blind contour drawing exercise- is also a wonderful way to become aware of my 'ego' and inner distractions. If my distracted mind disturbs my drawing process, it will be visible on paper. I use the drawing result as a reflection of my own state of mind and a mirror. I use Zen seeing to open my heart. This all together makes the drawing experience even more profound. 

The same is true for when I am working with watercolor: it is the perfect way to go with the flow of the water on my paper and by making intuitive decisions and letting go of the result, I create my own reality on paper.

I use intuitive writing (also known as automatic writing) to become more aware of the energy of my mind and to become a witness to my thoughts and emotions. Then, I will consciously calm them down in order to make it easier to recognize the information that -almost as if out of nowhere- falls into my mind. Zen drawing, (Zen) painting with watercolor and intuitive writing make me feel more connected to the things I love and have brought me new ideas and insights.

If you would like to give one of these techniques a go, start by having a look at the video below. It is a simple exercise to calm your mind and get into the right mindset and is the bases for all of the three techniques.

The good news of this all is that Zen drawing, painting and writing all come from the idea that everyone can learn how to do it. Especially in the Western countries we might have the false assumption that only talented people can make art or only very spiritual people can connect to their intuition. I hope this assumption will leave this planet as soon as possible. Yes there are individual differences between us when it comes to art, yes some people have more innate abilities, but we all have this inner observer - Frederick Franck called this 'our inner artist' - that can be awakened. If you feel drawn to my techniques to connect to your inner artist, I invite you to read more about those techniques below.

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